Sunday, May 22, 2011


So the April tour with our BFF's from Concord California Wake The Machines was incredible. Finally getting around to updating everything. Jimmy fractured his knee at the first show. Boone almost took a punch in the face by a masked drunkard after Weylin apparently flashed his balls to him. Jeff came close to killing a LOT of pedestrians and had hilarious road rage driving with the trailer. Overall it was a great time and went extremely well for our first time out. Here's a most likely incomplete list of thanks and hails from what little memory is accessible:

PORTLAND: Megaton Haus, Sloths, Sei Hexe, Antikythera, Blackarm, Lunge and everyone at the Bathhouse (special thanks to Matt Lunge for not losing Jeffs bass and donating a bunch of rad shirts), Honduran, Jason Dinges and Brick Shithouse kids for the consistantly top-notch hospitality, Courtney and Jonno, Brian and Ila, Dooger and Molly, all our pdx friend-o's and everyone that came out to the shows. As always Portland was a blast.

ASHLAND/WILLIAMS: Warmonger dudes for setting up the show and their general radness, James, Claire, and Nic AKA Black Mould for their surprise set that completely killed, everyone that came out and partied, this was by far one of the best times we've ever had. Can't wait to come back and do it again!

ARCATA: The Big Tree, Nick and Maria for putting on such a killer show and opening their home to us, Macula and They Came at Dawn (both bands destroyed!), John, Colin for going off old school Sandy Eggo style, all the kids that came out and showed us a great time. Arcata fucking rules!

OAKLAND: The Womansion, MRSA, Buried At Birth, Eric and the DHC kids, all the junkies slumped against the wall, random others. Gonna go ahead and lump in all the Concord kids we hung out with and came out to the show, and Emily for the book.

EUGENE: Brandon and Saviorself for setting up the show and playing a killer set, Opossum Head (absolutely amazing), Black Mould chippies for coming up for the show, everyone at Aminatas, Eugene punkers do it right! Thanks for goin off and making the last night of the tour amazing.
Also thanks to Jared and Corey for a very last minute/late night place to crash.

I'm sure there are people we're forgetting. Every show was great and getting to play with Wake the Machines each night was awesome. Thanks to Scott for the tour tattoos, Weylin for bein sexy, and George for takin pics. Somehow our first tour managed to not be a disaster. Also the tour split is still available on cd-r and some tapes should still be around if you missed out. Four songs from each band available from us, WTM, or Amputape.
Go to for tour pics and all around information on what the fuck we're up to. If you happened to take any pics or video of any of the shows email them to

We hopefully will be doing some dates in August or September with Arcata maniacs MACULA and we're slated to play August 20th in Eugene for a two day fest that's in the works. We'll post any details as soon as we get them.

Thursday, March 10, 2011



Morose will be meeting up with thee 1/3 naked noise grinders Wake the Machines from Concord, CA for a tour down the west coast. Here are the tentative dates:
April 22nd - Portland, Or @ Megaton Haus w/ Antikythera, Sloths, Sei Hexe
April 23rd - Portland, Or @ Lunge House w/ Lunge, Honduran 8pm
April 24th - Ashland, Or @ generator show in the woods w/ SinkTheMissouri for info contact 8pm

April 25th- Arcata, Ca @ The Big Tree w/ Macula, They Came at Dawn 7pm
April 26th – SF, Ca @ TBA NEED HELP
April 27th – Oakland, Ca @ The Womansion w/ MRSA, Buried at Birth
April 28th – Redding or Chico, Ca?
April 29th – Eugene, Or @ Aminata Bar w/ ARA, Opossum Head 9pm
April 30th - ?

WTM will be heading to LA after the 27th and Morose will be working their way back up NorCal and Oregon. Details will be added as soon as they are confirmed.
Come out and get bloody!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

We're working on a new version of "Lethe" which will be available on cassette/cd-r via Amputape by the end of the month-ish. There are three new songs we also started to track today for our tour split with Wake the Machines. Limited to 40 translucent purple cassettes.

At the end of April we are doing a brief West Coast tour with WAKE THE MACHINES (Concord, CA). Very excited to do this with them.

Friday, December 17, 2010

You can download both the "central washington filth demo" and "LETHE" if you follow the links in the previous post. We will be making some adjustments and remixing a better version of LETHE in the next month or so. Amputape will be releasing it on cassette with full color covers etc. as soon as we finish. Hit us up if you would like actual copies of either of our recordings.

Some side "projects" are going on as well, info on that shit forthcoming.